Protech Mechanical, Inc. has completed over 6,000 contracts up to $3 million for industrial, commercial firms, and government agencies. A partial list of clients include:
NC Department of Transportation
American LaFrance
Daimler Chrysler
Freightliner, LLC
Goodyear, North America/Brazil
Grenzebach International
Louisiana Pacific
Phillip Morris USA
TLV Corporation
Utica Enterprises
DSM Desotech, Inc.
Carolina Beverage Group
A.O. Smith Water Prod.
FXI Foamex Innovations
GEA, Intec LLC
Pinnacle Corrugated
Polytec, Inc.
Protech Mechanical, Inc.’s professional staff takes pride in completing all projects on time and exceeding client expectations. Please contact Harold Moore for more information regarding your construction and administrative needs.